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Landfill gas upgrading to BIO-CNG,a industrial facility has been put into use in Nanjing.

  • Published: 2013-12-04 19:23:00
  • Hits: 1927

Landfill gas upgarding to Bio-CNG, the industry facility has been put into use in Nanjing. Professor Chen Zezhi, Nanjing University, is the leader of the design.

The Quality of  the Bio-CNG up to standard GB18047-2000 «Compressed Natural Gas as Vehicle Fuel» ,the technology has made the grade the International advanced.

Legend: The runing building in Nanjing,by Nanjing Carbon Recycle Biomass Energy Co.,Ltd.

Tel:025-84414484 Fax:025-86647595 Address:Wenying Road No.3,Binjiang Development Zone Jiangning District,Nanjing City

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